
Open the reseller factsheet to view or download the factsheet, which has been designed to provide information about how to spot counterfeits. 

Click on the image above to open the reseller factsheet page

Watch ICCE’s latest video to see how it is helping protect resellers and fight counterfeit imaging supplies.

How does ICCE work with resellers?

Individual ICCE members (OEMs) support their dealers, distributors and customers in the identification and authentication of ink consumable products. To find out more click on their individual logos below: 

What can resellers do to help?

Always be vigilant and consider the possibility of counterfeit cartridges. If there is any doubt, check directly with the manufacturer or contact ICCE to report your suspicions. 

Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. We would always advise to be very careful when buying from anyone who is not your standard supplier or when you are being offered reduced price products which have been allegedly sourced from production overruns, obsolete stock, liquidations or ‘cheaper’ product from elsewhere in the world.

Authenticate your product

A number of our members have developed authentication devices and systems that allow the consumer to check if the product may be counterfeit. To find out more, please click the relevant brand name shown above.


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