Companies run the risk of damaging equipment and their organisation’s reputation when using counterfeit printer supplies such as toners, cartridges and ribbons.
If you believe a shipment contains some counterfeits, request a customer delivery inspection by the OEM. Some ICCE members offer free inspections.
Check the product and packaging
Is it identical to the branded goods you have used before? Does the toner or ink cartridge deliver the same level of performance and print quality you are used to from branded products? Do you get Error messages on your printer, unnecessary paper jams or leakage inside your printer? If you have any suspicions, contact ICCE or the OEM directly.
Check the price
If the price is significantly lower than what you might usually pay for a genuine consumable, then you could be dealing with counterfeit products.
Check the source
Genuine imaging supplies are sold only through reputable vedors, either through their premises or on-line. You can check the authenticity of these outlets on the original manufacturer’s websites.
Help! I think I’ve bought a counterfeit!
If you have any suspicions about the source, price or quality of the imaging supplies you intend to purchase – or may have purchased – then report your suspicions to ICCE
We’ll liaise with the appropriate manufacturer (OEM) and our intelligence network to help validate your claim and, if appropriate, begin legal proceedings against the supplier.
A number of our members have developed authentication devices and systems that allow the consumer to check if the product may be counterfeit. To find out more, or to report your suspicions directly to the OEM, please click the relevant brand name below: